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<blockquote data-quote="retroboy80" data-source="post: 55899" data-attributes="member: 2772"><p><span style="font-size: 26px">CRACKERS vs. ActiveMark</span></p><p></p><p>Bueno llamo su atención para poner en conocimiento de aquellos que aún no están al tanto (por falta de roce) de lo que se está gestando en la scene de los grupos de releases.</p><p></p><p>La nueva protección de software llamada ActiveMark de la empresa TryMedia (formada por ex piratas), está dando varios dolores de cabeza a los grupos de la scene, con lo que se podría sintetizar en "conoce a tu enemigo mejor que a tí mismo".</p><p></p><p>Para quienes no lo saben ActiveMark es un software integrado que permite la protección de cualquier software para su distribución online, se trata de la primera herramienta de este tipo en el mercado. Trymedia Systems es la empresa de servicios de distribución digitales seguros y el operador de la red de distribución más grande del mundo para juegos descargables.</p><p></p><p>Editores como Infogrames, Ubi Soft, Digital Fusion y 3D Groove emplean la tecnología ActiveMARK para ofrecer juegos en la Red en forma de copia de evaluación. La tecnología de Trymedia convierte el archivo protegido en modo de evaluación cada vez que éste es pasado de un usuario a otro, permitiendo su adquisición y desbloqueo rápida y fácilmente. La compañía también ha tenido un gran éxito en la eliminación de contenidos ilegales de Internet sin interferir en la experiencia del consumidor. Con un catálogo de más de cien títulos, ActiveMARK se ha convertido ya en uno de los principales estándares para sacar partido a los juegos y al software disponible en Internet.</p><p></p><p>Los nuevos clientes de Trymedia pueden personalizar sus títulos con ActiveMARK siguiendo sus propias preferencias y crear juegos que sólo son válidos durante un determinado número de días o para unos pocos niveles. Tras probar el juego o el programa, el consumidor podrá adquirir rápida y cómodamente el producto para disfrutar del contenido completo que ha descargado, sin necesidad de volver a hacer una descarga completa del producto. Cuando el contenido es transferido desde una persona a otra (a través de una red P2P), el receptor obtiene automáticamente la versión de prueba, lo que crea una nueva oportunidad de venta para el editor sin coste de marketing alguno. Trymedia trabaja junto a sus clientes para garantizar la distribución de sus contenidos a través de redes de intercambio de archivos como Morpheus, Kazaa y LimeWire, así como mediante páginas webs, grupos de intereses, CD y DVD y programas de e-mail.</p><p></p><p>ActiveMARK permite a los creadores de productos digitales generar ingresos al convertir el intercambio de archivos ilegal en una fuente de ingresos. Los juegos y programas informáticos distribuidos a través de CD-ROM, DVD, Internet, redes P2P y correo electrónico están protegidos por esta solución de distribución y facturación. En 2001 ActiveMARK permitió a un artista independiente generar los primeros ingresos directos de un entorno P2P (Napster). Desde entonces, Trymedia ha seguido innovando y ofreciendo una plataforma tecnológica y una solución de distribución a sus socios.</p><p></p><p>Mientras que la industria de la música en línea ha atraído la atención la mayor parte de los usuarios, el sector de los videojuegos se está convirtiendo en el principal sector de entretenimiento y goza ahora del éxito comercial con el modelo de negocio de igual a igual, denominado también P2P (peer-to-peer). Los desarrolladores de proveedores de videojuegos distribuyen y venden de forma segura sus juegos a través de redes peer-to-peer mediante un sistema que permite probar el juego antes de comprarlo.</p><p></p><p>Entre estos tres millones de descargas mediante la tecnología de Trymedia podemos encontrar juegos de Infogrames, eBrainy, Nine Dragons, Digital Fusion, Fasttrak y ExelWeiss.</p><p></p><p>La tecnología ActiveMARK de Trymedia permite a los desarrolladores lanzar las demos del juego con diferentes preferencias como por ejemplo hacer que el producto expire en cierto número de días, o detener el juego una vez superado un nivel determinado. El software y los juegos se pueden distribuir a través de CD, DVD, Internet, redes P2P o correo electrónico. tras probar el juego o el programa, el jugador puede comprarlo de una forma muy fácil y desbloquear así el contenido restante que ya se había descargado, sin necesidad de estar conectado mientras se juega.</p><p></p><p>Veamos como funciona el ActiveMark:</p><p></p><p><img src="" alt="" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable " style="" /></p><p></p><p>Veamos la sinopsis de su creación:</p><p></p><p><img src="" alt="" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable " style="" /></p><p></p><p>Esta nueva forma de protección ha hecho que pesos pesados del entetenimiento com Activisión, Atari, Walt Disney, Europress, y Cartoon Network entre otros utilicen su sistema de protección, y que día a día se sigan sumando importantes proveedores y desarrolladores de software.</p><p></p><p>Trymedia es una empresa creada por dos Españoles Alex y Andrés Torrubia. Tal ha sido el éxito de su sistema que INTEL ha decidido invertir en la compañia en vista de su prometedor futuro en la tecnología de protección de contenidos digitales.</p><p></p><p>Es una realidad que el sistema de protección de ActiveMark es muy bueno, pero los muchachos de la scene también lo son y se encuentran avocados a destripar esta protección que afecta cada día a más contenidos.</p><p></p><p>La verdad es que los grupos de releases raramente realizan un comunicado hacerca de lo que se está cocinando tras bambalinas, pero el llamado asunto del ActiveMark, ha generado muchas confusiones y nuke wars en el hambiente.</p><p></p><p>Hace tiempo que tenia conocimiento del problema, y he seguido el devenir del asunto en la scene dado el desafío que presenta para los grupos de crackers.</p><p></p><p>Fué entonces que el domingo 19 de marzo leo en el grupo el anuncio realizado por el prestigioso grupo T.N.T. acerca del revuelo con ActiveMark.</p><p></p><p>Lo cierto es que de los 80's no he visto un comunicado tan extenso y tan detallado sobre la problemática. Por tal motivo resulta provechoso para todos tomar conocimiento del mismo.</p><p></p><p>Resumiendo, el software protegio por ActiveMark cuando se compra se recibe una licencia que elimina las restricciones de la versión DEMO.</p><p></p><p>El código ejecutable de la protección puede correr en casi cualquier versión de Windows, como NT, 98, 98SE, 2000, ME, XP y futuras versiones. </p><p></p><p>Bien ahora hay que definir dos conceptos por separado, por un lado tenemos el programa o juego en sí mismo (TARGET) y por otro la protección del ActiveMark.</p><p></p><p>Ahora bien el ejecutable creado con ActiveMark toma el ejecutable original (TARGET) y lo modifica, creando un nuevo ejecutable que contiene la protección y el código del juego o programa alterado. El programa es comprimido y encriptado dentro del archivo protegido.</p><p></p><p>Ahora que el archivo protegido pueda funcionar en cualquier sistema operativo, no significa que el juego o programa lo hará.</p><p></p><p>El problema se encuentra en que los cracks pueden dejar colgado el programa lo juego. Esto no significa que no funcionen, sino que dadas ciertas circunstancias el sistema operativo se puede ver afectado.</p><p></p><p>Los cracks han sido realizados sobre determinado sistema operativo, con determinado idioma, y con tales o cuales actualizaciones, lo cual no asegura que el funcionamiento en dicho kernel garantice su funcionamiento en incluso el mismo sistema operativo pero con otras actualizaciones o en otro idioma.</p><p></p><p>El trabajo del kernel y las DLL del juego en un SO pueden resultar en distintas para XP como para XP SP2, ya que las tablas utilizadas difieren y eso causa que el juego se cuelgue el juego o el SO, ese es el principal porblema que se plantea con la portección realizada con ActiveMark.</p><p></p><p>Es bueno que todo el mundo tenga conocimiento de esto antes de quejarse de que tal o cual crack para tal o cual programa no funciona. Las diferencias de sistema operativo pueden o no hacer funcionar el crack.</p><p></p><p>El documento lanzado por T.N.T. no tiene desperdicio, léanlo.</p><p></p><p>[code]</p><p> . ▄·■¡ ▄░ ▄■▀■ ▄▄█▄</p><p> Ì ▓ ▄Ì ▒° .▓¦ ° '' ─██▄</p><p> ▀■▄■▄▄▄▄ \ Ì▒ █▓█ ░¦ ▄▓█ ▀▀▀ ▀███▄</p><p>█▄ ▀▀██▄ ▄█ ▓▄. ■ ▀ .▒ Ì▓▓¦ █▄ ▀██▄░ ▄█</p><p>█▓▓▓▓█▓▓█▓▒▓██▒▓█▓█▓██▓░ ▀▓▓¦ °▒ ▄░' ██▒¦ ░▓█▓█▓▓▓█▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓█▒▓▓█▓▓</p><p>▓▓▒▒█▒▒▓▒▒▒▓▓██▓▓▒▒█▒▒▓▒░ Ì▓▒¦▓¦ ▀░■▒¦° Ì▓▒▓° ░▒█▓▒▒█▒▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▒▓▒▒▓▒▒▓▒█</p><p>██▓█▓▓█▒█▓▓▒▓▓██▓▒█▓██▓▒ ░ Ì█▒▒Ì▒▓▄ Ì▓▒▓¦ ░ ▒▓██▓▓█▓▒▓█▓▒▓▓▓▓█▓██▓██</p><p>█▀░▒ ▒ ██▒▓▒░█¦░ ▀█▒░ Ì▓▒▓Ì▓▒█¦ ▄▓▒█¦ ░▒█▀ ▓▒ ░▓▓▓▒▒▓▒▄ ▒░▀█</p><p> ▒ ░ ░ ▓▓▒▓█ Ì█ ▒ ░ .▓▓▒█¦Ì▓▒▓▄ Ì█▓▒▓¦ ░ ░ ▒ ▒░█▓▒▓▓▒██ ░ ▒</p><p> ░ ░ ·▒▓▒▓▓ Ì█ ░ ░ ░ Ì▓▒▒▓¦ ▀▓▒▓¦ Ì▓▒▒█¦. ░ ░ ░ ▓▓▒█▓░Ì█¦ ░</p><p> █▓▒▓▒.█¦ ░ Ì▓▒▒▓¦ Ì█▒▓▄ Ì▓▒▒▓█¦ ░ ██▒▓▓▄██ ·</p><p> · ▄▓▓▒▒▓██°░ · °▓█▒▓▄ ▀▓▒█¦ ▓▓▒▒▓¦ ░ ▓▓▒█▓▀▀ ░</p><p> ██▓▓▒▓▓▀ ░ °▓▒▓█¦ ▒ Ì▓▒▓▄ °█▒▓▓° · ▄█▒▓▒▓█░</p><p> Ì█°▒▓▒▓▒ Ì▓▒▒▓¦ ▀▓▒▓¦ Ì▓▒▓° Ì█°▓█▒▓█</p><p> ██ █▒▒▓█▒ ░ Ì▓▒▓▓ ░ Ì█▒▓ Ì▓▒▓¦ ░ Ì█▄▒▓▒▓▒</p><p> ██░▓█▒▓▓ ░ · Ì█▒▓° ▀▓▒.▄▓▒█¦ ░ ▀███▒▒▓</p><p> Ì██▒▓▒▒█ ░ Ì▓▒▓¦ ░ · ▀▓¦▓▓▒▓¦ ░ ▓████▄</p><p> ▀████▓░ .▓▓█ ÌÌ▒▒▒▓¦ · ▒▓▒▓▒██</p><p> ▒▓█████▄▄█▄▄ Ì▓▓▓ ░ ▀▓█▓▄ ▒ █▓▒█▓░▀█▄</p><p> █▒▒▒▓░▀▀█─ '' · Ì▓▓▀ │ ▀▓ ░ ▓▒▒▓█ ▀█.</p><p> ▄█▓▒██▄ ▀▀▀ Ì ,▓▀ · ¨ ──── ¨ · \ ▄█▓▒██▄ ▀■▄</p><p> ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀Ì ▀■° │ ¦▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ¦</p><p> ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ■.</p><p> T h e N o v a T e a m</p><p>_____________________________________·_________________________________SN/TNT_</p><p></p><p>¶───T─h─e───N─o─v─a───T─e─a─m─────TNT──Ø──TNT─────T─h─e───N─o─v─a───T─e─a─m───┐</p><p>│ Presents: │</p><p>│─────────────────────────────-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-─────────────────────────────│</p><p>│ │</p><p>│ TNT Information on Upcoming PROPER and WORKING Releases v1.0 │</p><p>│ *Cracked* │</p><p>│ (c)2006 The Nova Team │</p><p>│ │</p><p>└──────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────§</p><p></p><p>┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐</p><p>│ │</p><p>│ Supplied By : TEAM TNT Release Date : 03/19/2006 │</p><p>│ Cracked By : TEAM TNT Protection : TryMedia ActiveMark│</p><p>│ What is it? : PROPER Information OS Required : Win98/ME/NT/2K/XP │</p><p>│ Packaged By : TEAM TNT # of Files : 01 x 5.00 Meg │</p><p>│ │</p><p>├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤</p><p>│ Requirements : Brains, Skill, Knowledge, Care, & Dedication │</p><p>└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘</p><p></p><p>·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-·</p><p> ■ Release Notes ■</p><p> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p></p><p> TryMedia ActiveMark!</p><p></p><p> What follows is a good deal of information, which I shall put into sections </p><p>that cater to various types of people in the scene. I will attempt to explain </p><p>the situation as it relates to: </p><p></p><p> - Scene Nukers</p><p></p><p> - End Users</p><p></p><p> - Competing Groups</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>=================</p><p>1. Reasoning = Why the WORKING releases and why this INFO release?</p><p></p><p>2. General = Overview of the Protection</p><p></p><p>3. History = The history of MS Windows and why it is important to know</p><p></p><p>4. Crashing = Why are the other groups' cracks crashing?</p><p></p><p>5. Releases = Explanation of our upcoming WORKING/proper releases</p><p></p><p>6. End Users = How our new releases will affect the End Users</p><p></p><p>7. Nukers = To nuke or not to nuke. Ah, that is the question!</p><p></p><p>8. Competition = Notes to our noble competitors and Hints about the protection</p><p></p><p>9. Conclusion = At last it ends. Don't miss the post game wrap-up.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Reasoning</p><p>~~~~~~~~~</p><p> Yes I know groups never make notices like this. They think it makes them </p><p>look lame and amateurish. Are we the first 0day group to ever write up an </p><p>Info Packet about tons of Proper Releases that are coming soon? Since the </p><p>1980's, I don't recall ever seeing a release like this one. Enjoy.</p><p></p><p> One note please to every other 0day group. If you have an opinion or </p><p>comments on what I wrote here, then I would ask you to release a reply </p><p>statement. You can afford to make one and not be booted off all your sites or </p><p>laughed at. It is ok to make an exception every now and then. And besides, </p><p>who is going to stop you.</p><p></p><p> My suggestion is something like these dirnames:</p><p> TNT_Information_v1.0_REPLY-SomeGroup</p><p> TNT_Information_v1.0_COMMENTS-AnyGroup</p><p></p><p> Or get in touch with us. We welcome your opinions.</p><p></p><p> To my knowledge, nearly every previous release of a program protected by </p><p>ActiveMark has had a poorly made crack that was not fully functional.</p><p></p><p> Right off the bat: </p><p>Our WORKING releases are not OS Fixes (Operating System Fixes). They are </p><p>straight up CRACK FIXES. I do this release, that you are reading now, so that </p><p>you all know ahead of time what is going on with all of the WORKING releases </p><p>that we will soon PRE. Each release will refer you back to this file for a </p><p>more thorough description of why our release is fully working, while the </p><p>competitions' releases were not.</p><p></p><p> The reason for the lengthiness of this file is that much of the information </p><p>is a general assessment of the scene these days. Even though I am writing </p><p>about a specific protection, this information is relevant to many other </p><p>protections and to many other broken releases (which we may proper, weeks or </p><p>months from now).</p><p></p><p></p><p>General</p><p>~~~~~~~</p><p> The story goes like this. A company named TryMedia has developed a </p><p>protection system to allow potential customers to evaluate a full version of </p><p>a game (or any program). A user is allowed to try the application for a </p><p>certain amount of time (minutes, hours, or days) and/or is allowed to launch </p><p>the application only a specific number of times.</p><p></p><p> If the software is purchased, then you receive a license to remove the time </p><p>or execution limits. That seems fair of course, as you are allowed to use the </p><p>complete version of the program to evaluate it.</p><p></p><p> The executable code of the protection itself is able to run on almost any </p><p>version of Microshaft Windows, such as NT - 98 - 98SE - 2000 - ME - XP - </p><p>& Future Versions. It may work on Win 95 and/or Win 96 (OSR2), but I have not </p><p>tested those yet.</p><p></p><p> From this point forward throughout the rest of the NFO file, I will be </p><p>referring to the actual game or application, which is a separate entity from </p><p>the protection, as the ~TARGET~. The TARGET is the real game that you want to </p><p>play or it is the programming code of that game which runs on your CPU.</p><p></p><p> When a software developer has their program protected by ActiveMark, the </p><p>protection will take the original TARGET executable file and will alter it. </p><p>A new file is created that contains both the protection and the altered code of </p><p>the TARGET. The TARGET is imbedded & encrypted within the protected file.</p><p></p><p> Now, just because the protection can run on any OS, does not mean that the </p><p>TARGET itself will. Some developers might program a game that only works on </p><p>the NT line of Kernels or even only on Windows XP.</p><p></p><p> I will veer slightly off-topic below to the history of the Windows </p><p>Operating System. This is relevant, in a round-about way, as to why the group </p><p>TNT is releasing an assload of PROPER & WORKING releases.</p><p></p><p></p><p>History</p><p>~~~~~~~</p><p> Back in the olden days of the 8086 CPU revolution, we saw the first </p><p>releases of DOS (aka the Disk Operating System). MicroSoft joined in with </p><p>their own DOS, aptly named MSDOS, which btw, was partially STOLEN from other </p><p>companies. Well, because Gates is a filthy bitch who is power hungry and has </p><p>no scruples.</p><p></p><p> Soon, M$ developed their first version of Windows which was 16-bit. This </p><p>is what I call the Win 3.x system, which was running under DOS. This means </p><p>that DOS loaded first and was really in control. Windows 3.x was running </p><p>underneath DOS, basically as a sub-OS. It would appear that there were earlier </p><p>versions, but to me, Win 3.1 is where it all began. Next, we had the networked </p><p>versions of "Windows for Workgroups". Later the NT Kernel was developed, which </p><p>I remember being an acronym for Network Technology (NT).</p><p></p><p> The whole point of the NT line of Operating Systems was Networkability. </p><p>Which in those days was only really useful for businesses, small and large. </p><p>The NT line of Kernels was never intended for games or home use. It is an </p><p>office-level, business-class software.</p><p></p><p> Quickly I will show the progress of the Windows OS in chronological order: </p><p></p><p>- Win 3.xx</p><p>- Win NT (NT 3 & NT 4)</p><p>- Win 95</p><p>- OSR2 (OS Release 2, which is basically Win 95 with FAT32 added. </p><p> and I personally call it Win 96)</p><p>- Win 98</p><p>- Win 98SE (The 'Second Edition' of Win 98. Call it Win 99 if you like.)</p><p>- Win 2000 aka Win 2K (this was initially named Win NT 5)</p><p>- Win ME</p><p>- Win XP (which is basically Win NT 6, the sequel to Win 2000)</p><p></p><p> The NT line of Kernels consists of: NT - 2000 - XP</p><p> The 9x line of Kernels consists of: 3.x - 95 - OSR2 - 98 - 98SE - ME</p><p></p><p> As you can see, both lines were being developed simultaneously. However, </p><p>they are two unique branches of Kernels (the CORE of the OS). While both are </p><p>very similar, they do differ in some ways too.</p><p></p><p> There was something to note right after Win 98. M$ changed the name of NT5 </p><p>to Win 2000, which confused many people who thought that Win 2000 was the </p><p>sequel to Windows 98 (1998). So they "upgraded" to Win2k, without realizing </p><p>that they had actually changed to whole new OS with a different Kernel. The </p><p>REAL & TRUE upgrade to Win 98 followed later, which was called Windows </p><p>Millennium (ME). The problem was that Win 2000 was NT-based and not a home </p><p>user OS nor a gaming OS. Many games outright crashed even with the quick </p><p>Win 2k Hotfixes released by M$. Many games also needed compatibility patches </p><p>direct from the game developers and some games never got fixed at all (even as </p><p>of the year 2006).</p><p></p><p> FYI, the game issues still haunt Win XP, as it is really "Win NT6" in </p><p>disguise and is still not a true gaming or home OS regardless of the propaganda </p><p>spewed by Microsoft. Ok, so where the hell am I going with this?</p><p></p><p> Well, the problems with the NT line of Kernels are one of many reasons why </p><p>I and many others still stay loyal to the Win 9x line of Operating Systems. </p><p>Personally, I still use Win 98 as my main OS for daily activities and gaming. </p><p>While a few games, perhaps 25 maximum, up today's date of 03-19-2006, will only </p><p>work on Win 2000 or Win XP, most games work perfectly on Win 98 or ME. Chalk </p><p>that up to the similarities of the 9x & NT Kernel lines and the various degrees </p><p>of backward and forward compatibilities between the OS's.</p><p></p><p> Lastly, this NFO is written in the year 2006. We can still get the newest </p><p>graphics and sound drivers made for Win 9x, along with the latest DirectX and </p><p>OpenGL. So, the Win 9x line of Kernels is still a viable option for PC gamers.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Crashing</p><p>~~~~~~~~</p><p> Finally, we return the problem with the cracks done by other scene groups. </p><p>The issue is this my friends. Every crack that we have tested to date will </p><p>crash on various Operating Systems or under certain circumstances. The </p><p>problem is not the games. I can not stress this enough! If you launch the </p><p>trial limited version of the game, it will run perfectly on all the Operating </p><p>Systems listed as the System Requirements by the developer. If you buy the </p><p>game, it will similarly run fine on any of those OS. However, the cracks will </p><p>not! I don't give two fucking shits if they run fine on only one OS such as </p><p>Win XP. I don't give a damn if a larger portion of the gaming community is now </p><p>using XP. The cracks are just not done correctly at all.</p><p></p><p> The reasons why they are crashing are many and varied, which will be </p><p>addressed in the next paragraph. It is not just this protection either; there </p><p>are lots of other bad releases in the scene. Most of these *bad crack* issues </p><p>are coming from programs that use executable packers, encryptors, compressors, </p><p>or protectors which require you to unpack and re-construct what you think might </p><p>have been the original executable before it was packed. If your release does </p><p>not work on the Operating Systems that the developer fully supports, then is it </p><p>not the right (or nay, even the duty) of a competing group to create a fully </p><p>working one? We think the answer is: </p><p>Yes!</p><p></p><p> And this is what QUALITY is all about. The scene ~used~ to value this term.</p><p></p><p> Alright, so the crashes?</p><p></p><p> Bear in mind that most of these cracks by other groups ~seem~ to work </p><p>~so far as we saw~ on Win XP. However, they are still not done correctly </p><p>*AT ALL*, as they are linked to specific DLL versions or memory offsets of one </p><p>OS (usually XP). They can crash under many circumstances, such as on different </p><p>Service Packs of XP, different languages of Windows, or even Future Windows </p><p>Operating Systems.</p><p></p><p> Observe some samples of the error messages:</p><p></p><p> Win 9x: "XXX.EXE is linked to missing export KERNEL32.DLL:RestoreLastError."</p><p></p><p> Win 2k: "The xxx loader could not load a missing export in KERNEL32.DLL to </p><p> RestoreLastError."</p><p></p><p> Win *ALL*: "XXX has caused a page fault at offset xxxxxxxx and must be </p><p> closed"</p><p></p><p> Reasons for crashing?</p><p></p><p> * Improper re-constructions of the TARGET game that was encrypted and </p><p> imbedded within the protection. This is the result of a poor </p><p> understanding of what exactly the protection has done to the original </p><p> TARGET or poor cracking skill or poor knowledge of the Windows PE </p><p> executable format.</p><p></p><p> * API Import tables pulled from a running process on a new version of </p><p> Windows (such as Win XP). The imports are basically functions that are </p><p> not part of the TARGET game itself. When the game wants to draw a </p><p> triangle on your screen, it may not do so by itself. Instead it will </p><p> call a 'DrawTriangle' function (sub-routine) of a DirectX.DLL file. This </p><p> way it is easier for a developer to code a game by minimizing the work </p><p> they have to do. "Just let the DLLs do all the work, and it will also be </p><p> compatible with all versions of Windows. So that is less testing I need </p><p> to do to be sure my game runs without crashing for all of my customers."</p><p></p><p> But the problem is that DLL files call other DLL files and they can be </p><p> at different versions on different editions of Windows and even on </p><p> different Service Packs of the same Windows Version. If you "rebuild" </p><p> the imports in an amateurish way on Windows XP, then chances are very </p><p> high that your TARGET will not run on Win 95/98/ME and frequently not </p><p> even on Win 2000 or Win NT. But wtf you say!?!?! "I am just a humble </p><p> ~newbie~ cracker on Win XP, and I don't run Win 98. So how can I </p><p> possibly do it correctly!?!?" Read the ~~~Competition~~~ section below.</p><p></p><p> * Hard-coded memory offsets or stack related info, directly attached to </p><p> a specific edition of Windows. These cause Invalid Page Faults or Stack </p><p> Overflows or Exceptions. And yes there are ways to do it correctly so it </p><p> works for every end user's system.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Releases</p><p>~~~~~~~~</p><p> Realize that we are going to fix every last broken crack, including some </p><p>that are almost 1 year old. Why you ask? Because games have a unique </p><p>situation in the release world. Applications frequently get weekly version </p><p>updates, which is why we have a Minor Update rule in the 0day scene. We want </p><p>to prevent a flood of pointless minor changes that no one realistically needs. </p><p>However, many games only get released once by a developer and see no updated </p><p>versions ever.</p><p></p><p> So, there will be games in peoples' 0day archives that are permanently </p><p>broken because those are the final versions the developer will ever make. Even </p><p>10 Years from now, those releases will still be the only ones available. We </p><p>want to provide you with a fully working release to stand the test of time (and </p><p>that will ~definitely~ work on future Windows versions as well).</p><p></p><p> Most of these TNT releases will be labeled 'WORKING'. Some may have </p><p>'READ_NFO' also, and most of those are related to incorrect version numbers </p><p>listed by our competing groups. If you wonder why I use the real ver of 1.3.22 </p><p>in place of the competition's ver of 1.0, then consider this. It is to prevent </p><p>future dupes from us and other groups. It may seem a little anal and probably </p><p>is, but I feel that having the best possible version listed is most helpful to </p><p>the scene. Still, I do understand that finding the version can be difficult </p><p>sometimes, which is why both TNT and other groups just use "v1.0" for any </p><p>program that is brand new if they could not locate a version anywhere.</p><p></p><p> Finally, I shall explain our delay in releasing all of these games. If you </p><p>check out all of our READ_NFO releases (do "site dupe read nfo -tnt"), you will </p><p>see us complaining about bad cracks in many of our DOX releases. Unlockers & </p><p>Cheat Codes. We ranted and raved that the games did not work on Win 9x and </p><p>possibly not on Win 2000 either. I am just one cracker in TNT. But I knew how </p><p>to crack that protection too, even way back at our first READ_NFO releases. I </p><p>held off on making the PROPERS & WORKINGS because I wanted to find a "better" </p><p>way to crack those games. That is to say better than even those ones we are </p><p>about to PRE. But alas, time is not on my side, so I am going to dump these </p><p>working releases even though it is not the 'best' way to crack them. </p><p>Nonetheless, they fucking work! So, I say that it is good enough "for now"...</p><p></p><p></p><p>End Users</p><p>~~~~~~~~~</p><p> You get a game from us that is guaranteed to work on any Operating System </p><p>that you use, including future ones yet to be released. While the cracks from </p><p>our competing release groups may not work on various HotFixes, Service Packs, </p><p>languages, etc of many Windows Editions.</p><p></p><p> Also, the main deal that I feel is most important is the ability to play on </p><p>Win 98 and Win ME finally! Unfortunately, no other group has made a crack to </p><p>function on our OS! Still, if you like the game, think about buying it. </p><p>These developers are shareware-level game authors. They don't have world-wide </p><p>store distribution or multi-million dollar budgets. They rely on sales from </p><p>people like us to make a living, doing something they probably love, which is </p><p>creative computer programming. Plus, they need to see support from the gaming </p><p>community to inspire them to create more games for everyone to enjoy.</p><p></p><p> So share the wealth. You played the game. You know it was enjoyable. </p><p>I know you wouldn't want some weirdo coming over to your house and filling up a </p><p>backpack with half of the food in your refrigerator. Or taking the pictures </p><p>off your wall and just walking right out with them. When you realize that </p><p>someone put a lot of hard work and many months of their life into a game that </p><p>you really had fun with, how can you not reward them for their efforts?</p><p></p><p></p><p>Nukers</p><p>~~~~~~</p><p> Go read the ~~~Releases~~~ section above, as that relates to you as well. </p><p>Be aware that "rules" in the scene are meant to be guidelines to keep the scene </p><p>stable & free from junk and chaos. They are not absolutes and there is room </p><p>for interpretation & exceptions to a rule. Our cracks are fully WORKING, </p><p>whereas the cracks of every last competing group are broken. While most of </p><p>theirs do work on Win XP, many do not work on Win 2000. And none what-so-ever, </p><p>will work on Win 98 or Win ME. We can envision many potential bull-shit nuke </p><p>reasons of our releases:</p><p></p><p> "Go home TNT. no one uses Win 98 / ME / 2k anymore."</p><p></p><p> "It is ok if it only works on Win XP. Because that is M$'s latest and </p><p> **laugh** greatest OS."</p><p></p><p> "Unnecessary. Just upgrade to XP. TNT sucks."</p><p></p><p> "xxx's (the other group's) crack works fine for most people."</p><p></p><p> "Win 9x is no longer supported by M$. So the scene does not support it."</p><p></p><p> "Old. Previous release was 6+ months ago."</p><p></p><p> "As long as it runs on Win XP and Win 2k, that is good enough!"</p><p></p><p> Well those are pitiful excuses. Hell, Win ME (a Win 9x line of OS) is </p><p>even NEWER than Windows 2000, and thus MUST be supported by the scene. The </p><p>cracks are just flat-out broken and not done correctly. What will you do when </p><p>they fail to run on the next edition of Windows after XP? Or when you find out </p><p>months later that people using Chinese or Japanese Windows XP editions have the </p><p>same crashes? Oh, but then you nuked our working one? Think about your </p><p>actions and how they effect the users of the software that is released in the </p><p>scene. Ok?</p><p></p><p> And why aren't any of those badly cracked releases nuked yet? Because </p><p>nukers these days do not do their jobs, which is downloading and testing </p><p>releases. Some releases out there don't even work on any OS at all and are </p><p>completely busted. But yet, they remain not nuked.</p><p></p><p> So you wonder how you can be sure that our claims are true and that our </p><p>cracks are fully working, while the competitions' are not? In my opinion, the </p><p>easiest way is to boot into a Windows 98 or Windows ME system and try both of </p><p>the cracks. See which one crashes and which one works. That should be 'nuf </p><p>said. It is the easiest and most consistent way to observe the problems with </p><p>the competitions' cracks, since none of them work on Win 9x. But you don't </p><p>have a Win9x boot? Well why not? What kind of 'proper' self-respecting nuker </p><p>does not have multiple boots to be able to correctly do their job, which is </p><p>verifying that a release really works as it should. You are not a script meant </p><p>to hap-hazardously run "site nuke" commands, nor a bot to sheepishly mirror the </p><p>nukes (and Nuke Reasons) of other sites or other nukers; you are a release </p><p>TESTER! That is your job on a site. It is what you get paid for. So do it!</p><p></p><p> Once you discover the bad cracks made by other groups, we expect to see </p><p>their releases nuked for reasons such as:</p><p></p><p> - not.fully.working</p><p></p><p> - bad.crack</p><p></p><p> - broken.crack</p><p></p><p> - crashes</p><p></p><p> - get.TNT.WORKING</p><p></p><p> - get.TNT.PROPER</p><p></p><p> You might want to read the first paragraph of the ~~~Competition~~~ </p><p>section below. We are listing all of the groups that did bad cracks on this </p><p>protection. It's worth a look.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Competition</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> As was said in the beginning, I address the 'noble' competition directly </p><p>here. First, for you nukers, here is a list of the groups that have attempted </p><p>to crack this protection. They have failed however.</p><p></p><p> - EXPLOSiON</p><p> - CSS</p><p> - DVT</p><p> - ALiAS</p><p> - ENGiNE</p><p> - DiViNE</p><p> - Lz0</p><p> - DELiGHT</p><p></p><p> Quick flame right now. ENGiNE is a complete disgrace of a group. Most of </p><p>their releases are old Graphics Plugins from like 4 years ago. And most have </p><p>fake version numbers. Like they will go put out 1.0.2, when the latest is </p><p>really 1.0.1. So you check their fake 1.0.2 and oh my god, it has got 100% </p><p>duplicate files of 1.0.1 from 3 years ago! What a bunch of lamers. And btw, </p><p>stay away from ActiveMark, because it is way, WAY out of your league. Idiots.</p><p></p><p> For Zen balance I will counter the above with a polite comment. DELiGHT. </p><p>While your ISO-games friends helped you get very close to fixing the cracks on </p><p>this, it was still not good enough. But... You came a hell of a lot closer </p><p>than all of the other groups. So congratulations! You are just a hair away </p><p>from a fully working crack. DVT and the rest are so off page that it is </p><p>laughable. And for DELiGHT, your Boonty Protected games DO work fine on all OS </p><p>that we tested. So, very good job there fella's.</p><p></p><p> If any decent groups want to speak with us about what they are doing wrong, </p><p>we may offer assistance. But, you better at least know a good deal about what </p><p>you are doing and about the protection.</p><p></p><p> I realize that most of the other groups have no idea that their cracks are </p><p>broken, because they only tried them on 1 or 2 Win XP systems. They don't </p><p>bother to test upon other OS, like the older more established crackers of the </p><p>scene do. Unfortunately, that will be your downfall. I know the scene no </p><p>longer holds to the ideals of quality and high standards that it once did in </p><p>the past, such as in the 80's and 90's. But still, we at TNT are trying to </p><p>maintain a level of consistency toward quality, fully working releases. It is </p><p>sad that very few groups seem to care anymore.</p><p></p><p> For all groups, it is the hard-coded offsets in your files that will stop </p><p>them from ever working on Win 9x systems and could possibly cause them to fail </p><p>on new version of Windows (sequels to XP), depending on how M$ is changing the </p><p>OS. Realize the original protected files would still run, so it is just your </p><p>cracking that is faulty. Sorry, but it's true. Suck it up, drop the ego, and </p><p>embrace defeat. Next, for most of the groups (except DELIGHT), your import </p><p>tables are not properly coded and it causes crashing on all Win 9x systems </p><p>*and* even on Win 2000 too!</p><p></p><p> Ok, so how to fix the imports? Well here is where Win 9x comes to the </p><p>rescue. Simply do what you did on XP, but do it on a Win 9x system and you </p><p>will get the correct DLL names and functions. If you are a new boy and Win XP </p><p>is your first OS and you never heard of Win 98 / Win ME until I just mentioned </p><p>it, then you will need to learn the Windows PE format and study the protection </p><p>code very hard. It is possible to watch the LoadLibary calls in the protection </p><p>and also the function name relocations being dynamically linked into the game.</p><p></p><p> The protection is HARD-CODING the offset of the imports linked directly to </p><p>the OS it is running upon. Nonetheless, you can make a crack that works on all </p><p>OS using only Win XP. But you will need to understand what the protection is </p><p>doing and why.</p><p></p><p> We have not fully removed the protection from these games. Then again, </p><p>neither has any of the competition. While it is possible, there are many </p><p>details to work out, which means a tremendous time investment to fully </p><p>understand the protection and to create re-construction tools. That was our </p><p>delay in making these Working Proper releases, which makes a few of the games </p><p>over 6 months old. Some people will surely raise an eyebrow of suspicion as to </p><p>why it "took so long." Well, it turns out that the protection is quite a bit </p><p>more advanced than I initially thought.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Conclusion</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> For those who wonder, the ActiveMark version is 5.XX for all of our </p><p>releases. The exact version numbers are varied, but it is still the Fifth </p><p>Edition of the protection. Difference do exist between each of those minor </p><p>version updates of 5.XX edition, which resulted in different crack methods for </p><p>many of the games. There were also many earlier versions years ago and while I </p><p>have not looked at any of them myself, I can only assume that this latest 5.XX </p><p>release is the most heavily protected. And 5.XX has never had a truly good </p><p>crack made yet either.</p><p></p><p> All, fully working ActiveMark releases by TNT are coming. Here is how we </p><p>are doing this (barring any technical difficulties). 5 hours after this </p><p>release is PRED, we will start with our properly cracked games, with each one </p><p>maybe 5 minutes apart for courier fun. They will be released in 3 batches on </p><p>three different days.</p><p></p><p> Day #1 = The release we are making a proper of is less than 30 days old</p><p></p><p> Day #2 = The release we are making a proper of is 30 days to 180 days old</p><p></p><p> Day #3 = The release we are making a proper of is over 180 days old</p><p></p><p> * I feel that is a good method which caters to nukers on strict sites.</p><p></p><p> After that we will wait at least one more day, and then start putting out </p><p>brand new games protected by ActiveMark or some slightly older ones that were </p><p>not yet released. For those curious minds out there, these games were not all </p><p>cracked in a single day. The cracks are all "date stamped" to the same day for </p><p>security reasons. It took MANY, MANY days to get all of these cracked.</p><p></p><p> If any more broken releases were missed or overlooked by mistake, then they </p><p>will get propered later on, as they are discovered.</p><p></p><p> I suggest that the competition either fixes their crack methods or stops </p><p>making releases all together. Because we will continue to proper you if you </p><p>make any more bad cracks. This is not meant as an attack on the competition. </p><p>We just want the Scene to have some working games and hell, *I* would like some </p><p>working ones myself for *my* own preferred OS of Win 98.</p><p></p><p>Ok? Thank you!</p><p></p><p></p><p>·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-·</p><p> ■ Installation ■</p><p> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p></p><p>1. UnZIP all archives to a temporary directory.</p><p></p><p>2. Read TNT.NFO thoroughly.</p><p></p><p>3. Prepare thyself to enjoy Fully Working releases of many great games.</p><p></p><p> And for all the nukers, get ready for our flood!</p><p></p><p></p><p>·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-·</p><p> ■ TNT News ■</p><p> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> 0Day Applications News:</p><p></p><p> Win 98/98SE/ME are supported Operating Systems for 99% of all software. </p><p> If your retarded group is either unwilling or more likely unable to properly </p><p> produce a working release for all of the OS's that the application itself </p><p> supports, then prepare to get PROPERED.</p><p></p><p> You idiots need to learn what the scene is all about. We will teach you...</p><p></p><p> --------</p><p> zipscript-c (aka project-zs) ruins all the nice SFV files in the scene! </p><p> Screw that lame-ass retarded script and all you noobies who use it.</p><p></p><p> Egotism is good in small doses.</p><p></p><p> There is nothing wrong with flaming code/crack thieves. We encourage it.</p><p></p><p> Quality and quantity are both possible simultaneously, yet often difficult.</p><p></p><p> We continue our journey...</p><p></p><p></p><p>·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-·</p><p> ■ Joining TNT ■</p><p> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> TNT works in all languages.</p><p></p><p> If you feel that you have something useful to offer us, such as the ability </p><p> to contribute to our scene releasing efforts, then see below.</p><p></p><p></p><p>·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-·</p><p> ■ Contact TNT ■</p><p> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> Those who seek TNT will find a way to get in touch with us.</p><p> Just ask around for the #1 Dox group.</p><p></p><p> TNT has no email address, nor a web site. Any you find are surely fake.</p><p></p><p>┌────────────────────────────────────╦═╦═╦────────────────────────────────────┐</p><p>│ Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT] ║ NFO Layout : Super Nova │</p><p>│ ╩ │</p><p>└────────────────────────────> Last Update by [Super Nova] <───[12/31/2005]───§</p><p></p><p> " We bring the noise!!! "</p><p>---------------------------------TNT DIR INFO---------------------------------</p><p>TNT_Information_on_Upcoming_PROPER_and_WORKING_Releases_v1.0_Cracked-TNT</p><p>---------------------------------END TNT INFO---------------------------------</p><p>[/code]</p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="retroboy80, post: 55899, member: 2772"] [size=7]CRACKERS vs. ActiveMark[/size] Bueno llamo su atención para poner en conocimiento de aquellos que aún no están al tanto (por falta de roce) de lo que se está gestando en la scene de los grupos de releases. La nueva protección de software llamada ActiveMark de la empresa TryMedia (formada por ex piratas), está dando varios dolores de cabeza a los grupos de la scene, con lo que se podría sintetizar en "conoce a tu enemigo mejor que a tí mismo". Para quienes no lo saben ActiveMark es un software integrado que permite la protección de cualquier software para su distribución online, se trata de la primera herramienta de este tipo en el mercado. Trymedia Systems es la empresa de servicios de distribución digitales seguros y el operador de la red de distribución más grande del mundo para juegos descargables. Editores como Infogrames, Ubi Soft, Digital Fusion y 3D Groove emplean la tecnología ActiveMARK para ofrecer juegos en la Red en forma de copia de evaluación. La tecnología de Trymedia convierte el archivo protegido en modo de evaluación cada vez que éste es pasado de un usuario a otro, permitiendo su adquisición y desbloqueo rápida y fácilmente. La compañía también ha tenido un gran éxito en la eliminación de contenidos ilegales de Internet sin interferir en la experiencia del consumidor. Con un catálogo de más de cien títulos, ActiveMARK se ha convertido ya en uno de los principales estándares para sacar partido a los juegos y al software disponible en Internet. Los nuevos clientes de Trymedia pueden personalizar sus títulos con ActiveMARK siguiendo sus propias preferencias y crear juegos que sólo son válidos durante un determinado número de días o para unos pocos niveles. Tras probar el juego o el programa, el consumidor podrá adquirir rápida y cómodamente el producto para disfrutar del contenido completo que ha descargado, sin necesidad de volver a hacer una descarga completa del producto. Cuando el contenido es transferido desde una persona a otra (a través de una red P2P), el receptor obtiene automáticamente la versión de prueba, lo que crea una nueva oportunidad de venta para el editor sin coste de marketing alguno. Trymedia trabaja junto a sus clientes para garantizar la distribución de sus contenidos a través de redes de intercambio de archivos como Morpheus, Kazaa y LimeWire, así como mediante páginas webs, grupos de intereses, CD y DVD y programas de e-mail. ActiveMARK permite a los creadores de productos digitales generar ingresos al convertir el intercambio de archivos ilegal en una fuente de ingresos. Los juegos y programas informáticos distribuidos a través de CD-ROM, DVD, Internet, redes P2P y correo electrónico están protegidos por esta solución de distribución y facturación. En 2001 ActiveMARK permitió a un artista independiente generar los primeros ingresos directos de un entorno P2P (Napster). Desde entonces, Trymedia ha seguido innovando y ofreciendo una plataforma tecnológica y una solución de distribución a sus socios. Mientras que la industria de la música en línea ha atraído la atención la mayor parte de los usuarios, el sector de los videojuegos se está convirtiendo en el principal sector de entretenimiento y goza ahora del éxito comercial con el modelo de negocio de igual a igual, denominado también P2P (peer-to-peer). Los desarrolladores de proveedores de videojuegos distribuyen y venden de forma segura sus juegos a través de redes peer-to-peer mediante un sistema que permite probar el juego antes de comprarlo. Entre estos tres millones de descargas mediante la tecnología de Trymedia podemos encontrar juegos de Infogrames, eBrainy, Nine Dragons, Digital Fusion, Fasttrak y ExelWeiss. La tecnología ActiveMARK de Trymedia permite a los desarrolladores lanzar las demos del juego con diferentes preferencias como por ejemplo hacer que el producto expire en cierto número de días, o detener el juego una vez superado un nivel determinado. El software y los juegos se pueden distribuir a través de CD, DVD, Internet, redes P2P o correo electrónico. tras probar el juego o el programa, el jugador puede comprarlo de una forma muy fácil y desbloquear así el contenido restante que ya se había descargado, sin necesidad de estar conectado mientras se juega. Veamos como funciona el ActiveMark: [img][/img] Veamos la sinopsis de su creación: [img][/img] Esta nueva forma de protección ha hecho que pesos pesados del entetenimiento com Activisión, Atari, Walt Disney, Europress, y Cartoon Network entre otros utilicen su sistema de protección, y que día a día se sigan sumando importantes proveedores y desarrolladores de software. Trymedia es una empresa creada por dos Españoles Alex y Andrés Torrubia. Tal ha sido el éxito de su sistema que INTEL ha decidido invertir en la compañia en vista de su prometedor futuro en la tecnología de protección de contenidos digitales. Es una realidad que el sistema de protección de ActiveMark es muy bueno, pero los muchachos de la scene también lo son y se encuentran avocados a destripar esta protección que afecta cada día a más contenidos. La verdad es que los grupos de releases raramente realizan un comunicado hacerca de lo que se está cocinando tras bambalinas, pero el llamado asunto del ActiveMark, ha generado muchas confusiones y nuke wars en el hambiente. Hace tiempo que tenia conocimiento del problema, y he seguido el devenir del asunto en la scene dado el desafío que presenta para los grupos de crackers. Fué entonces que el domingo 19 de marzo leo en el grupo el anuncio realizado por el prestigioso grupo T.N.T. acerca del revuelo con ActiveMark. Lo cierto es que de los 80's no he visto un comunicado tan extenso y tan detallado sobre la problemática. Por tal motivo resulta provechoso para todos tomar conocimiento del mismo. Resumiendo, el software protegio por ActiveMark cuando se compra se recibe una licencia que elimina las restricciones de la versión DEMO. El código ejecutable de la protección puede correr en casi cualquier versión de Windows, como NT, 98, 98SE, 2000, ME, XP y futuras versiones. Bien ahora hay que definir dos conceptos por separado, por un lado tenemos el programa o juego en sí mismo (TARGET) y por otro la protección del ActiveMark. Ahora bien el ejecutable creado con ActiveMark toma el ejecutable original (TARGET) y lo modifica, creando un nuevo ejecutable que contiene la protección y el código del juego o programa alterado. El programa es comprimido y encriptado dentro del archivo protegido. Ahora que el archivo protegido pueda funcionar en cualquier sistema operativo, no significa que el juego o programa lo hará. El problema se encuentra en que los cracks pueden dejar colgado el programa lo juego. Esto no significa que no funcionen, sino que dadas ciertas circunstancias el sistema operativo se puede ver afectado. Los cracks han sido realizados sobre determinado sistema operativo, con determinado idioma, y con tales o cuales actualizaciones, lo cual no asegura que el funcionamiento en dicho kernel garantice su funcionamiento en incluso el mismo sistema operativo pero con otras actualizaciones o en otro idioma. El trabajo del kernel y las DLL del juego en un SO pueden resultar en distintas para XP como para XP SP2, ya que las tablas utilizadas difieren y eso causa que el juego se cuelgue el juego o el SO, ese es el principal porblema que se plantea con la portección realizada con ActiveMark. Es bueno que todo el mundo tenga conocimiento de esto antes de quejarse de que tal o cual crack para tal o cual programa no funciona. Las diferencias de sistema operativo pueden o no hacer funcionar el crack. El documento lanzado por T.N.T. no tiene desperdicio, léanlo. 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T h e N o v a T e a m _____________________________________·_________________________________SN/TNT_ ¶───T─h─e───N─o─v─a───T─e─a─m─────TNT──Ø──TNT─────T─h─e───N─o─v─a───T─e─a─m───┐ │ Presents: │ │─────────────────────────────-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-─────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ TNT Information on Upcoming PROPER and WORKING Releases v1.0 │ │ *Cracked* │ │ (c)2006 The Nova Team │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────§ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Supplied By : TEAM TNT Release Date : 03/19/2006 │ │ Cracked By : TEAM TNT Protection : TryMedia ActiveMark│ │ What is it? : PROPER Information OS Required : Win98/ME/NT/2K/XP │ │ Packaged By : TEAM TNT # of Files : 01 x 5.00 Meg │ │ │ ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Requirements : Brains, Skill, Knowledge, Care, & Dedication │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-· ■ Release Notes ■ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TryMedia ActiveMark! What follows is a good deal of information, which I shall put into sections that cater to various types of people in the scene. I will attempt to explain the situation as it relates to: - Scene Nukers - End Users - Competing Groups Table of Contents ================= 1. Reasoning = Why the WORKING releases and why this INFO release? 2. General = Overview of the Protection 3. History = The history of MS Windows and why it is important to know 4. Crashing = Why are the other groups' cracks crashing? 5. Releases = Explanation of our upcoming WORKING/proper releases 6. End Users = How our new releases will affect the End Users 7. Nukers = To nuke or not to nuke. Ah, that is the question! 8. Competition = Notes to our noble competitors and Hints about the protection 9. Conclusion = At last it ends. Don't miss the post game wrap-up. Reasoning ~~~~~~~~~ Yes I know groups never make notices like this. They think it makes them look lame and amateurish. Are we the first 0day group to ever write up an Info Packet about tons of Proper Releases that are coming soon? Since the 1980's, I don't recall ever seeing a release like this one. Enjoy. One note please to every other 0day group. If you have an opinion or comments on what I wrote here, then I would ask you to release a reply statement. You can afford to make one and not be booted off all your sites or laughed at. It is ok to make an exception every now and then. And besides, who is going to stop you. My suggestion is something like these dirnames: TNT_Information_v1.0_REPLY-SomeGroup TNT_Information_v1.0_COMMENTS-AnyGroup Or get in touch with us. We welcome your opinions. To my knowledge, nearly every previous release of a program protected by ActiveMark has had a poorly made crack that was not fully functional. Right off the bat: Our WORKING releases are not OS Fixes (Operating System Fixes). They are straight up CRACK FIXES. I do this release, that you are reading now, so that you all know ahead of time what is going on with all of the WORKING releases that we will soon PRE. Each release will refer you back to this file for a more thorough description of why our release is fully working, while the competitions' releases were not. The reason for the lengthiness of this file is that much of the information is a general assessment of the scene these days. Even though I am writing about a specific protection, this information is relevant to many other protections and to many other broken releases (which we may proper, weeks or months from now). General ~~~~~~~ The story goes like this. A company named TryMedia has developed a protection system to allow potential customers to evaluate a full version of a game (or any program). A user is allowed to try the application for a certain amount of time (minutes, hours, or days) and/or is allowed to launch the application only a specific number of times. If the software is purchased, then you receive a license to remove the time or execution limits. That seems fair of course, as you are allowed to use the complete version of the program to evaluate it. The executable code of the protection itself is able to run on almost any version of Microshaft Windows, such as NT - 98 - 98SE - 2000 - ME - XP - & Future Versions. It may work on Win 95 and/or Win 96 (OSR2), but I have not tested those yet. From this point forward throughout the rest of the NFO file, I will be referring to the actual game or application, which is a separate entity from the protection, as the ~TARGET~. The TARGET is the real game that you want to play or it is the programming code of that game which runs on your CPU. When a software developer has their program protected by ActiveMark, the protection will take the original TARGET executable file and will alter it. A new file is created that contains both the protection and the altered code of the TARGET. The TARGET is imbedded & encrypted within the protected file. Now, just because the protection can run on any OS, does not mean that the TARGET itself will. Some developers might program a game that only works on the NT line of Kernels or even only on Windows XP. I will veer slightly off-topic below to the history of the Windows Operating System. This is relevant, in a round-about way, as to why the group TNT is releasing an assload of PROPER & WORKING releases. History ~~~~~~~ Back in the olden days of the 8086 CPU revolution, we saw the first releases of DOS (aka the Disk Operating System). MicroSoft joined in with their own DOS, aptly named MSDOS, which btw, was partially STOLEN from other companies. Well, because Gates is a filthy bitch who is power hungry and has no scruples. Soon, M$ developed their first version of Windows which was 16-bit. This is what I call the Win 3.x system, which was running under DOS. This means that DOS loaded first and was really in control. Windows 3.x was running underneath DOS, basically as a sub-OS. It would appear that there were earlier versions, but to me, Win 3.1 is where it all began. Next, we had the networked versions of "Windows for Workgroups". Later the NT Kernel was developed, which I remember being an acronym for Network Technology (NT). The whole point of the NT line of Operating Systems was Networkability. Which in those days was only really useful for businesses, small and large. The NT line of Kernels was never intended for games or home use. It is an office-level, business-class software. Quickly I will show the progress of the Windows OS in chronological order: - Win 3.xx - Win NT (NT 3 & NT 4) - Win 95 - OSR2 (OS Release 2, which is basically Win 95 with FAT32 added. and I personally call it Win 96) - Win 98 - Win 98SE (The 'Second Edition' of Win 98. Call it Win 99 if you like.) - Win 2000 aka Win 2K (this was initially named Win NT 5) - Win ME - Win XP (which is basically Win NT 6, the sequel to Win 2000) The NT line of Kernels consists of: NT - 2000 - XP The 9x line of Kernels consists of: 3.x - 95 - OSR2 - 98 - 98SE - ME As you can see, both lines were being developed simultaneously. However, they are two unique branches of Kernels (the CORE of the OS). While both are very similar, they do differ in some ways too. There was something to note right after Win 98. M$ changed the name of NT5 to Win 2000, which confused many people who thought that Win 2000 was the sequel to Windows 98 (1998). So they "upgraded" to Win2k, without realizing that they had actually changed to whole new OS with a different Kernel. The REAL & TRUE upgrade to Win 98 followed later, which was called Windows Millennium (ME). The problem was that Win 2000 was NT-based and not a home user OS nor a gaming OS. Many games outright crashed even with the quick Win 2k Hotfixes released by M$. Many games also needed compatibility patches direct from the game developers and some games never got fixed at all (even as of the year 2006). FYI, the game issues still haunt Win XP, as it is really "Win NT6" in disguise and is still not a true gaming or home OS regardless of the propaganda spewed by Microsoft. Ok, so where the hell am I going with this? Well, the problems with the NT line of Kernels are one of many reasons why I and many others still stay loyal to the Win 9x line of Operating Systems. Personally, I still use Win 98 as my main OS for daily activities and gaming. While a few games, perhaps 25 maximum, up today's date of 03-19-2006, will only work on Win 2000 or Win XP, most games work perfectly on Win 98 or ME. Chalk that up to the similarities of the 9x & NT Kernel lines and the various degrees of backward and forward compatibilities between the OS's. Lastly, this NFO is written in the year 2006. We can still get the newest graphics and sound drivers made for Win 9x, along with the latest DirectX and OpenGL. So, the Win 9x line of Kernels is still a viable option for PC gamers. Crashing ~~~~~~~~ Finally, we return the problem with the cracks done by other scene groups. The issue is this my friends. Every crack that we have tested to date will crash on various Operating Systems or under certain circumstances. The problem is not the games. I can not stress this enough! If you launch the trial limited version of the game, it will run perfectly on all the Operating Systems listed as the System Requirements by the developer. If you buy the game, it will similarly run fine on any of those OS. However, the cracks will not! I don't give two fucking shits if they run fine on only one OS such as Win XP. I don't give a damn if a larger portion of the gaming community is now using XP. The cracks are just not done correctly at all. The reasons why they are crashing are many and varied, which will be addressed in the next paragraph. It is not just this protection either; there are lots of other bad releases in the scene. Most of these *bad crack* issues are coming from programs that use executable packers, encryptors, compressors, or protectors which require you to unpack and re-construct what you think might have been the original executable before it was packed. If your release does not work on the Operating Systems that the developer fully supports, then is it not the right (or nay, even the duty) of a competing group to create a fully working one? We think the answer is: Yes! And this is what QUALITY is all about. The scene ~used~ to value this term. Alright, so the crashes? Bear in mind that most of these cracks by other groups ~seem~ to work ~so far as we saw~ on Win XP. However, they are still not done correctly *AT ALL*, as they are linked to specific DLL versions or memory offsets of one OS (usually XP). They can crash under many circumstances, such as on different Service Packs of XP, different languages of Windows, or even Future Windows Operating Systems. Observe some samples of the error messages: Win 9x: "XXX.EXE is linked to missing export KERNEL32.DLL:RestoreLastError." Win 2k: "The xxx loader could not load a missing export in KERNEL32.DLL to RestoreLastError." Win *ALL*: "XXX has caused a page fault at offset xxxxxxxx and must be closed" Reasons for crashing? * Improper re-constructions of the TARGET game that was encrypted and imbedded within the protection. This is the result of a poor understanding of what exactly the protection has done to the original TARGET or poor cracking skill or poor knowledge of the Windows PE executable format. * API Import tables pulled from a running process on a new version of Windows (such as Win XP). The imports are basically functions that are not part of the TARGET game itself. When the game wants to draw a triangle on your screen, it may not do so by itself. Instead it will call a 'DrawTriangle' function (sub-routine) of a DirectX.DLL file. This way it is easier for a developer to code a game by minimizing the work they have to do. "Just let the DLLs do all the work, and it will also be compatible with all versions of Windows. So that is less testing I need to do to be sure my game runs without crashing for all of my customers." But the problem is that DLL files call other DLL files and they can be at different versions on different editions of Windows and even on different Service Packs of the same Windows Version. If you "rebuild" the imports in an amateurish way on Windows XP, then chances are very high that your TARGET will not run on Win 95/98/ME and frequently not even on Win 2000 or Win NT. But wtf you say!?!?! "I am just a humble ~newbie~ cracker on Win XP, and I don't run Win 98. So how can I possibly do it correctly!?!?" Read the ~~~Competition~~~ section below. * Hard-coded memory offsets or stack related info, directly attached to a specific edition of Windows. These cause Invalid Page Faults or Stack Overflows or Exceptions. And yes there are ways to do it correctly so it works for every end user's system. Releases ~~~~~~~~ Realize that we are going to fix every last broken crack, including some that are almost 1 year old. Why you ask? Because games have a unique situation in the release world. Applications frequently get weekly version updates, which is why we have a Minor Update rule in the 0day scene. We want to prevent a flood of pointless minor changes that no one realistically needs. However, many games only get released once by a developer and see no updated versions ever. So, there will be games in peoples' 0day archives that are permanently broken because those are the final versions the developer will ever make. Even 10 Years from now, those releases will still be the only ones available. We want to provide you with a fully working release to stand the test of time (and that will ~definitely~ work on future Windows versions as well). Most of these TNT releases will be labeled 'WORKING'. Some may have 'READ_NFO' also, and most of those are related to incorrect version numbers listed by our competing groups. If you wonder why I use the real ver of 1.3.22 in place of the competition's ver of 1.0, then consider this. It is to prevent future dupes from us and other groups. It may seem a little anal and probably is, but I feel that having the best possible version listed is most helpful to the scene. Still, I do understand that finding the version can be difficult sometimes, which is why both TNT and other groups just use "v1.0" for any program that is brand new if they could not locate a version anywhere. Finally, I shall explain our delay in releasing all of these games. If you check out all of our READ_NFO releases (do "site dupe read nfo -tnt"), you will see us complaining about bad cracks in many of our DOX releases. Unlockers & Cheat Codes. We ranted and raved that the games did not work on Win 9x and possibly not on Win 2000 either. I am just one cracker in TNT. But I knew how to crack that protection too, even way back at our first READ_NFO releases. I held off on making the PROPERS & WORKINGS because I wanted to find a "better" way to crack those games. That is to say better than even those ones we are about to PRE. But alas, time is not on my side, so I am going to dump these working releases even though it is not the 'best' way to crack them. Nonetheless, they fucking work! So, I say that it is good enough "for now"... End Users ~~~~~~~~~ You get a game from us that is guaranteed to work on any Operating System that you use, including future ones yet to be released. While the cracks from our competing release groups may not work on various HotFixes, Service Packs, languages, etc of many Windows Editions. Also, the main deal that I feel is most important is the ability to play on Win 98 and Win ME finally! Unfortunately, no other group has made a crack to function on our OS! Still, if you like the game, think about buying it. These developers are shareware-level game authors. They don't have world-wide store distribution or multi-million dollar budgets. They rely on sales from people like us to make a living, doing something they probably love, which is creative computer programming. Plus, they need to see support from the gaming community to inspire them to create more games for everyone to enjoy. So share the wealth. You played the game. You know it was enjoyable. I know you wouldn't want some weirdo coming over to your house and filling up a backpack with half of the food in your refrigerator. Or taking the pictures off your wall and just walking right out with them. When you realize that someone put a lot of hard work and many months of their life into a game that you really had fun with, how can you not reward them for their efforts? Nukers ~~~~~~ Go read the ~~~Releases~~~ section above, as that relates to you as well. Be aware that "rules" in the scene are meant to be guidelines to keep the scene stable & free from junk and chaos. They are not absolutes and there is room for interpretation & exceptions to a rule. Our cracks are fully WORKING, whereas the cracks of every last competing group are broken. While most of theirs do work on Win XP, many do not work on Win 2000. And none what-so-ever, will work on Win 98 or Win ME. We can envision many potential bull-shit nuke reasons of our releases: "Go home TNT. no one uses Win 98 / ME / 2k anymore." "It is ok if it only works on Win XP. Because that is M$'s latest and **laugh** greatest OS." "Unnecessary. Just upgrade to XP. TNT sucks." "xxx's (the other group's) crack works fine for most people." "Win 9x is no longer supported by M$. So the scene does not support it." "Old. Previous release was 6+ months ago." "As long as it runs on Win XP and Win 2k, that is good enough!" Well those are pitiful excuses. Hell, Win ME (a Win 9x line of OS) is even NEWER than Windows 2000, and thus MUST be supported by the scene. The cracks are just flat-out broken and not done correctly. What will you do when they fail to run on the next edition of Windows after XP? Or when you find out months later that people using Chinese or Japanese Windows XP editions have the same crashes? Oh, but then you nuked our working one? Think about your actions and how they effect the users of the software that is released in the scene. Ok? And why aren't any of those badly cracked releases nuked yet? Because nukers these days do not do their jobs, which is downloading and testing releases. Some releases out there don't even work on any OS at all and are completely busted. But yet, they remain not nuked. So you wonder how you can be sure that our claims are true and that our cracks are fully working, while the competitions' are not? In my opinion, the easiest way is to boot into a Windows 98 or Windows ME system and try both of the cracks. See which one crashes and which one works. That should be 'nuf said. It is the easiest and most consistent way to observe the problems with the competitions' cracks, since none of them work on Win 9x. But you don't have a Win9x boot? Well why not? What kind of 'proper' self-respecting nuker does not have multiple boots to be able to correctly do their job, which is verifying that a release really works as it should. You are not a script meant to hap-hazardously run "site nuke" commands, nor a bot to sheepishly mirror the nukes (and Nuke Reasons) of other sites or other nukers; you are a release TESTER! That is your job on a site. It is what you get paid for. So do it! Once you discover the bad cracks made by other groups, we expect to see their releases nuked for reasons such as: - not.fully.working - bad.crack - broken.crack - crashes - get.TNT.WORKING - get.TNT.PROPER You might want to read the first paragraph of the ~~~Competition~~~ section below. We are listing all of the groups that did bad cracks on this protection. It's worth a look. Competition ~~~~~~~~~~~ As was said in the beginning, I address the 'noble' competition directly here. First, for you nukers, here is a list of the groups that have attempted to crack this protection. They have failed however. - EXPLOSiON - CSS - DVT - ALiAS - ENGiNE - DiViNE - Lz0 - DELiGHT Quick flame right now. ENGiNE is a complete disgrace of a group. Most of their releases are old Graphics Plugins from like 4 years ago. And most have fake version numbers. Like they will go put out 1.0.2, when the latest is really 1.0.1. So you check their fake 1.0.2 and oh my god, it has got 100% duplicate files of 1.0.1 from 3 years ago! What a bunch of lamers. And btw, stay away from ActiveMark, because it is way, WAY out of your league. Idiots. For Zen balance I will counter the above with a polite comment. DELiGHT. While your ISO-games friends helped you get very close to fixing the cracks on this, it was still not good enough. But... You came a hell of a lot closer than all of the other groups. So congratulations! You are just a hair away from a fully working crack. DVT and the rest are so off page that it is laughable. And for DELiGHT, your Boonty Protected games DO work fine on all OS that we tested. So, very good job there fella's. If any decent groups want to speak with us about what they are doing wrong, we may offer assistance. But, you better at least know a good deal about what you are doing and about the protection. I realize that most of the other groups have no idea that their cracks are broken, because they only tried them on 1 or 2 Win XP systems. They don't bother to test upon other OS, like the older more established crackers of the scene do. Unfortunately, that will be your downfall. I know the scene no longer holds to the ideals of quality and high standards that it once did in the past, such as in the 80's and 90's. But still, we at TNT are trying to maintain a level of consistency toward quality, fully working releases. It is sad that very few groups seem to care anymore. For all groups, it is the hard-coded offsets in your files that will stop them from ever working on Win 9x systems and could possibly cause them to fail on new version of Windows (sequels to XP), depending on how M$ is changing the OS. Realize the original protected files would still run, so it is just your cracking that is faulty. Sorry, but it's true. Suck it up, drop the ego, and embrace defeat. Next, for most of the groups (except DELIGHT), your import tables are not properly coded and it causes crashing on all Win 9x systems *and* even on Win 2000 too! Ok, so how to fix the imports? Well here is where Win 9x comes to the rescue. Simply do what you did on XP, but do it on a Win 9x system and you will get the correct DLL names and functions. If you are a new boy and Win XP is your first OS and you never heard of Win 98 / Win ME until I just mentioned it, then you will need to learn the Windows PE format and study the protection code very hard. It is possible to watch the LoadLibary calls in the protection and also the function name relocations being dynamically linked into the game. The protection is HARD-CODING the offset of the imports linked directly to the OS it is running upon. Nonetheless, you can make a crack that works on all OS using only Win XP. But you will need to understand what the protection is doing and why. We have not fully removed the protection from these games. Then again, neither has any of the competition. While it is possible, there are many details to work out, which means a tremendous time investment to fully understand the protection and to create re-construction tools. That was our delay in making these Working Proper releases, which makes a few of the games over 6 months old. Some people will surely raise an eyebrow of suspicion as to why it "took so long." Well, it turns out that the protection is quite a bit more advanced than I initially thought. Conclusion ~~~~~~~~~~ For those who wonder, the ActiveMark version is 5.XX for all of our releases. The exact version numbers are varied, but it is still the Fifth Edition of the protection. Difference do exist between each of those minor version updates of 5.XX edition, which resulted in different crack methods for many of the games. There were also many earlier versions years ago and while I have not looked at any of them myself, I can only assume that this latest 5.XX release is the most heavily protected. And 5.XX has never had a truly good crack made yet either. All, fully working ActiveMark releases by TNT are coming. Here is how we are doing this (barring any technical difficulties). 5 hours after this release is PRED, we will start with our properly cracked games, with each one maybe 5 minutes apart for courier fun. They will be released in 3 batches on three different days. Day #1 = The release we are making a proper of is less than 30 days old Day #2 = The release we are making a proper of is 30 days to 180 days old Day #3 = The release we are making a proper of is over 180 days old * I feel that is a good method which caters to nukers on strict sites. After that we will wait at least one more day, and then start putting out brand new games protected by ActiveMark or some slightly older ones that were not yet released. For those curious minds out there, these games were not all cracked in a single day. The cracks are all "date stamped" to the same day for security reasons. It took MANY, MANY days to get all of these cracked. If any more broken releases were missed or overlooked by mistake, then they will get propered later on, as they are discovered. I suggest that the competition either fixes their crack methods or stops making releases all together. Because we will continue to proper you if you make any more bad cracks. This is not meant as an attack on the competition. We just want the Scene to have some working games and hell, *I* would like some working ones myself for *my* own preferred OS of Win 98. Ok? Thank you! ·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-· ■ Installation ■ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. UnZIP all archives to a temporary directory. 2. Read TNT.NFO thoroughly. 3. Prepare thyself to enjoy Fully Working releases of many great games. And for all the nukers, get ready for our flood! ·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-· ■ TNT News ■ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0Day Applications News: Win 98/98SE/ME are supported Operating Systems for 99% of all software. If your retarded group is either unwilling or more likely unable to properly produce a working release for all of the OS's that the application itself supports, then prepare to get PROPERED. You idiots need to learn what the scene is all about. We will teach you... -------- zipscript-c (aka project-zs) ruins all the nice SFV files in the scene! Screw that lame-ass retarded script and all you noobies who use it. Egotism is good in small doses. There is nothing wrong with flaming code/crack thieves. We encourage it. Quality and quantity are both possible simultaneously, yet often difficult. We continue our journey... ·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-· ■ Joining TNT ■ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TNT works in all languages. If you feel that you have something useful to offer us, such as the ability to contribute to our scene releasing efforts, then see below. ·-==-────────────────────────────────Ï────────────────────────────────-==-· ■ Contact TNT ■ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those who seek TNT will find a way to get in touch with us. Just ask around for the #1 Dox group. TNT has no email address, nor a web site. Any you find are surely fake. ┌────────────────────────────────────╦═╦═╦────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT] ║ NFO Layout : Super Nova │ │ ╩ │ └────────────────────────────> Last Update by [Super Nova] <───[12/31/2005]───§ " We bring the noise!!! " ---------------------------------TNT DIR INFO--------------------------------- TNT_Information_on_Upcoming_PROPER_and_WORKING_Releases_v1.0_Cracked-TNT ---------------------------------END TNT INFO--------------------------------- [/code] [/QUOTE]
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